Sunday, September 6, 2015

Episode 24: Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour 30th Anniversary Special

Ryan Daly and guest host Ben Avery celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars: Ewoks and Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Plus, the Irredeemable Shag lends his amazing vocal talent to cover versions of the cartoon's theme songs.

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Click here out the Star Wars: Ewoks Complete Remastered Series over at YouTube!

And click here to check out the Star Wars: Droids Complete Remastered Series!

Check out Ben's podcasts at Comic Book Time Machine.

And Strangers and Aliens.

And Welcome to Level Seven.

Thanks for listening, and May the Force Be With You!

Check out this episode!

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that you guys kind of had a bit of a "what if" diversion on if the cartoons had been more popular or had featured the main Star Wars characters. Honestly I think the gap of some years before there was more new material (and that new material being a novel that was easy to downplay if it didn't connect) was a good thing for a franchise. I would argue that a big part of what made Star Trek as big as it is was the gap between the end of the show and the movies, and then the further gap before TNG got going, likewise Doctor Who really needed that hiatus to be able to reenter the pop culture with any kind of fanfare. What happens when something is just continuously available? Well the continuous viewer decline from TNG to DS9 to Voyager to Enterprise is what happens. Laws of diminishing returns. Star Wars is currently combating that by having had such a lull with the prequels that things can only go up from here. That said, I doubt it was a designed gap. Lucas was probably willing to let it go because in the mid 1980s it may not have yet set in that Star Wars was going to be his defining legacy no matter what else he was involved in.
