Thursday, November 26, 2015

Episode 36: Shattered Empire Review

Ryan Daly welcomes Kyle Benning, Nathaniel Wayne, and the Irredeemable Shag to a roundtable discussion about the Marvel Comics miniseries JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: SHATTERED EMPIRE. Okay, it’s not much of a roundtable discussion. In fact, it was recorded separately over two sessions and cobbled together in a nightmarish post-Thanksgiving tryptophan haze.

If you want to leave feedback for this show, please post a comment below. You can also leave a review of this show on iTunes. You can subscribe to Dead Bothan Spies on iTunes by clicking here or check out the show's RSS feed right here.

King-Size Comics, Giant-Size Fun:

90s Comics Retrial:

Firestorm Fan:

Shattered Empire trade paperback available at In Stock Trades:
Additional music this episode: "Love Vigilantes" by New Order.

Thanks for listening, and Happy Black Friday!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Episode 35: Seven Speculations: Star Wars Into Light

POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING! Ryan Daly speculates on what role Kylo Ren will play in the new Star Wars films, including The Force Awakens and future movies. Also, a post-credits speculation bonus involving a character death.

If you want to leave feedback for this show, please post a comment below. You can also leave a review of this show on iTunes. You can subscribe to Dead Bothan Spies on iTunes by clicking here or check out the show's RSS feed right here.

Thanks for listening, and May the Force Be With You!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Episode 34: Seven Speculations: The Wandering Jedi

POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING! Ryan Daly speculates on the role of Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens, where he's been and what he's been up to for the last thirty years. Also, who is Maz Kanata?

If you want to leave feedback for this show, please post a comment below. You can also leave a review of this show on iTunes. You can subscribe to Dead Bothan Spies on iTunes by clicking here or check out the show's RSS feed right here.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer reaction videos!

Council of Geeks reaction:

John Boyega ("Finn") reaction:

Daisy Ridley ("Rey") reaction:

Collider Movie News crew reaction:

Superhero News reaction:

Mesa Redonda - Nerd reaction:

Jor-Els Alexandria reaction:

Tyrone Magnus:

Brandi Price:

Thanks for listening, and May the Force Be With You!

Check out this episode!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Episode 33: The Force Awakens: Tokyo Drift Trailer

Ryan Daly and guest Rob Kelly analyze and scrutinize the Japanese trailer for The Force Awakens.

Watch the Japanese trailer right here!

Check out Rob's Fire and Water Podcast at:

If you want to leave feedback for this show, please post a comment below. You can also leave a review of this show on iTunes. You can subscribe to Dead Bothan Spies on iTunes by clicking here or check out the show's RSS feed right here.

Thanks for listening, and May the Force Be with You!

Check out this episode!